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One of our groups went on a discovery tour through the first district.

In the week before the holidays, our second graders took part in „Adventures in English“, which is a project week with teachers from the UK and the US. The students had 6 hours of English every day. Read our students‘ feedback to know if they enjoyed themselves:

It was an amazing experience.


It was the best week of my life!


The week was really nice and I improved my English!


Fun and well worth the money!


I can really recommend it to the students of next year!


The week was a lot of fun! We watched a movie and we played a lot of games together. We went outside and walked around the first district. The teacher was super nice! It was also a break from school, so that was relaxing!


We almost didn’t write anything, but we had to talk English a lot. We were never bored, we always played games. I really loved that week a lot. It’s worth the money!


I chose to not take part in Adventures in English and went to Sammelklasse the entire week. I regret that decision.


The English week was a lot of fun. We had no homework, we played games, did our project and we watched a movie. I had a great time!


First, we got to know each other and then we played games. We were given a project and had to work together in groups to create our own brand. We also practiced how to give good presentations and then we presented them to our class teacher and our new headmaster! It was a lot of fun!



Am 16.02.2024 erkundete die 8B im Zuge des Physikunterrichts das Atominstitut der TU Wien, insbesondere deren TRIGA Mark II Forschungsreaktor und die damit verbundenen Laboreinrichtungen. Dieser ermöglicht es den Mitarbeiter*innen dort mit radioaktiven Stoffen und ionisierender Strahlung zu forschen.

Während dieser Exkursion konnten die Schüler*innen viele spannende Aspekte zu den Themenbereichen Teilchenphysik, Reaktortechnik und Strahlenphysik sowie Strahlenschutz erfahren und dazu auch Fragen stellen.



Am 02.02. veranstaltete das Demokratiezentrum einen Workshop zum Thema Menschenrechte und dem Aufgabenbereich der UNO im Klassenraum der 8 b.

Im Rahmen dessen waren auch VertreterInnen von Amnesty International und der Bundesjugend anwesend, die im Laufe des Vormittags einen Einblick in ihren Tätigkeitsbereich gaben.

Nach allgemeinen Informationen zur Lage der Menschenrechte in einzelnen Staaten der UN wurde eine UN-Konferenz simuliert, durch die die Interessen einzelner Länder und die Funktion der UNO herausgearbeitet wurden. Es war ein intensiver und vor allem erkenntnisreicher Vormittag!


Mag. Sabine Kallinger



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